About Me

(Prepare for a decent amount of text.)

I'm Nick, a self-taught developer from the United States. I love absolutely everything related to technology and am nothing but a nerd.

Lidingö, Sweden Lidingö, Sweden

I was first drawn to technology in a small classroom full of troublemakers (including myself) when we were first taught how to type. The moment I pressed my first key on a keyboard, I realized my passion for technology had started and would only continue to grow. Apart from the initial push to learn what a computer was and how to efficiently use it, I continued by teaching myself how to code - or at least the basics.

Whether I'm spending countless hours creating something to make my life slightly easier or attempting to redesign my website for the millionth time, learning and innovating never fails to bore me. I constantly strive to learn, whether by running into an issue and researching how to solve it or watching a tutorial online for fun.

A lot of my free time is spent either learning, gaming, or sitting outside in the fresh air playing with my dogs. I have a lot of pets - as you can probably tell - Collette personally being my favorite (just don't let the others know), but the rest are amazing as well. Having a lot of pets really puts things into perspective of how obnoxious, yet lovable, they can be.

I absolutely love art, and seeing the process of people drawing, I especially love when people draw things for me and try to constantly show off people's creations. I'm not an artist myself, and the most I could draw would be stick figures, but I guess that's why I admire art and their creators a hell of a lot more.

Sydney, Australia Australian Reptile Park in Somersby, Australia
Sydney, Australia Australia Zoo in Beerwah, Australia

Another passion of mine is traveling and seeing the world. I'll never pass up an opportunity to visit somewhere new and possibly meet some friends that I previously only knew online or meet new ones along the way. While I live in Florida, I've also been to multiple states within the United States and gotten to experience the many differences between each state. Internationally, I've been to the United Kingdom, Sweden, Australia, and Canada, and I don't plan on stopping there!

I don't think I will ever get tired of traveling as every new destination is a chance for me to grow and learn more about our world and experience different cultures. In Sweden, I got to see the beautiful countryside and Stockholm; and in Australia, I traveled from coast to coast staying in Sydney, Melbourne, the Sunshine Coast, and Perth.

I have a feeling this page will grow with time, but for now, that's who I am! Thanks for taking the time to learn about me. If you ever want to reach out, click the little mail icon at the very bottom of the screen. :)

Now, enjoy some artwork that was done by two of my friends.

Art by Losty Art by Losty
Art by Mewo Art by Mewo
Art by Losty & Mewo Art by Losty & Mewo